Maggie Hanna has 40 years of experience in energy, resources exploration and, most recently, innovation. Her work is to provide a current read on relevant energy transition innovations and developments that encompass scientific, technological, commercial, social, policy, regulatory, economic, business model and environmental aspects, along with approximate timelines. She has a broad understanding of worldwide energy systems and a strong grounding in systems thinking. In 1983, Maggie’s career change began a lifelong interest in energy systems. This journey started with her working as an oil and gas exploration geologist focused on Western Canada Sedimentary Basin opportunities. It culminated in her becoming president of Common Ground Energy Corp, a company providing “geological horsepower for hire” to smaller companies requiring mapping and drilling location identification.
Since 2013, Maggie’s work as an Innovation and Technology Scout, and Futurist has been focused on facilitating the energy transition through support of “high-end innovation,” defined as medium- to high- risk projects combined with very high reward potential. She consulted to Suncor for three years, identifying ways to improve oil sands environmental footprint while simultaneously increasing the financial bottom line. She has since held positions with numerous startups to assist with high-end innovation, including providing technical friendship, guidance and connections. Most recently, Maggie has been engaged as a speaker and writer on the energy transition, with a special focus on the hydrogen economy. One of her key drivers is the recognition that the pace of change in the world is increasing. It is the dominant factor in business today. No sensible decision can be made without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be. Thus it is increasingly important to understand the vectors of the future.