Student & Varsity Athlete

Laura is a Masters student in Community and Regional Planning at the University of British Columbia where she is focusing her research on Indigenous community planning. She is also a UBC Sustainability Scholar and works with EcoTrust Canada and the Canadian Urban Sustainability Practitioners. Their collaborative research focuses on energy poverty and equity-based clean energy program design. Laura is in her fifth season as a varsity athlete with the UBC Women’s volleyball team and was previously a member of the Team Alberta and Team Canada volleyball programs.

Laura previously worked as the Provincial Green Initiative Coordinator at the Alberta Native Friendship Centres Association (ANFCA), a non-profit organization that works to improve the quality of life for urban Indigenous peoples across Alberta. There, Laura worked with a provincial advisory committee consisting of two youth and two Elders to create Indigenous Climate Leadership programs that engage, educate and empower.


Want to learn more about Laura’s work with the Energy Futures Lab?

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The driving philosophy of the Energy Futures Lab is that we move forward, together.

Chad Park