Alberta’s Electricity Future


Initiative Update: Announcing Phase 3 & The AEF Leadership Council

September 26, 2024

The AEF team has had a busy 2024 (scroll down to see) and lots to show for it. Most recently we have:

Cheat Sheet: see what’s changed from the original draft vision

To thrive in a net-zero world, Alberta needs a grid upgrade.

As Albertans work together to reduce emissions towards our net-zero targets, Alberta’s electricity system is facing a perfect storm of challenges to its reliable, safe, and affordable operation. In order to overcome these complex, system-level challenges, it’s clear that our past efforts to tweak the existing system won’t work. To successfully navigate to where we want to be, the system needs fundamental changes driven by a new approach.

We believe that our future electricity system must put the needs of people, communities and businesses first.


Unlocking The Challenge

Alberta’s electricity system was designed for a different era: not just the resources powering it, or the poles and wires, but the complex system of integrated players, policies and market signals that determine how much energy to produce, where it needs to go, and how much it will cost. Preparing Alberta’s electricity system to meet the needs of the future will require a highly-coordinated approach, one that includes the perspectives from the many stakeholders and Rights and Title holders connected to it. It must also draw in non-traditional voices from groups that the current system is under-serving or affecting adversely.


Our Approach

By bringing the system together to find alignment through a unified vision of our electricity future, identify key barriers that stand between today’s reality and that vision, and test solutions to remove those barriers, Alberta’s Electricity Future offers a better, more effective, and more equitable way to collaborate around solving these problems.

The Coalition

From governments to industry to consumers, everyone has a role to play in achieving a net-zero future in Alberta.

Participants Co-creating a Collective Vision for Alberta’s Electricity Future

A Phased Process

Coalition Building

Building a coalition of leaders in Alberta’s electricity sector to be the actors for change

Challenge Identification and Scoping

Uncovering barriers to progress and identifying where our collective action can bring about policy, regulation, customer engagement, and technology integration solutions needed to realize the vision

Vision Development

Creating a collective vision for the future of Alberta’s electricity system that will guide actions and focus outcomes

Prototyping Solutions

Implementing prototype solutions in real-world scenarios to embed collaboration, test solutions, iterate, share learnings, and ultimately scale solutions to resolve roadblocks


Leading the Charge: A Vision for Alberta’s Electricity Future

Final – September 26, 2024

Navigating the complexities of modernizing Alberta’s electricity grid demands collaborative dialogue and innovative thinking. Leading the Charge: A Vision for Alberta’s Electricity Future harnesses diverse perspectives from the initiative’s inclusive engagement model to envision an electricity system that empowers customer choice, ensures reliability, and accelerates decarbonization affordably.

Cheat Sheet: see what’s changed from the original release

Phase 1: Building a Vision


Phase 1 of Alberta’s Electricity Future brought together the AEF Coalition, a group of 60+ representatives from Alberta’s electricity system. Through interviews, workshops and working sessions, we created a baseline understanding of the current state of Alberta’s Electricity System and its most pressing challenges.

This first phase also engaged communities, students, experts, associations, and social justice groups, to test and enhance the coalition’s co-created vision, Leading the Charge: A Vision for Alberta’s Electricity Future.


Alberta’s Electricity Future Vision

September 26, 2024

Leading The Charge: Vision Updates

September 23, 2024

Leading the Charge: 1 Page Summary

March 4, 2024

Workshop 2 Narrative

November 1, 2023

Workshop 1 Narrative

July 1, 2023


Electricity is the foundational infrastructure needed to support a successful and sustainable net-zero future for all of Alberta’s power consumers. By embracing their needs and expectations, we will drive a collective vision forward. As cooperatives, the AFREA and REAs are no strangers to working together to achieve a shared vision that results in a sustainable and successful future for Alberta’s rural power consumers.

Al NagelAlberta Federation of Rural Electrification Associations

Successful energy change requires a coherent vision that includes grid modernization. Integrating regulatory, market, and technical components is also required. Thanks to the Energy Futures Lab for working with stakeholders and paving the way for an effective change in our electricity system.

Robert BakerAlberta Innovates

I’m in a space where I have to be responsible for multiple generations, right now. This vision makes me think that if someday my grandson came to me and said, 'Y’all burnt this down' I could show him THIS. It's one of those documents you read and you say, ‘I really hope it goes this way.’

Sue GwynnPoverty Talks Committee Member

Phase 2: Identifying Barriers and Drivers for Change


In Phase 2, the Lab conducted a review of over 60 studies, reports and electricity system modernization plans spanning 5 countries to uncover both regional and universal barriers to electricity systems change.

The barriers were then assessed using an Alberta lens to unearth the top 10 systemic barriers to advancing grid modernization in Alberta.


AEF Workshop #3 Pre-Read

September 25, 2024

AEF Challenge Statements

September 24, 2024

Challenge Statements

Solution Areas

Of these challenges, the AEF coalition has identified 3 it feels are imperative to address as soon as possible. These will become the focus of Working Groups in Phase 3 of the initiative.

#1 Incentivizing the optimization of existing electricity assets and infrastructure

#2 – A wholesale market structure that fully recognizes the benefits of diverse supply and demand resources

#9 – Evolving traditional business and delivery models to accommodate DERs

By taking on these 3 distinct but connected challenges, all grounded in meeting customers’ changing needs, we will enable additional collaboration across the field to not only generate high impact individual solutions, but also ones that are mutually reinforcing.

Phase 3: Prototyping Solutions


To oversee and advise working groups responsible for generating solution prototypes, we’ve created Alberta’s Electricity Future Leadership Council. The council will provide strategic advice to the project delivery team, surface emerging opportunities or barriers to the solutions in development, and identify high-leverage opportunities to explore new solution areas.

The council includes electricity leaders and experts representing diverse perspectives from within the system and regions within the province.

Alberta’s Electricity Future Leadership Council

Cameron Brown

Cameron Brown

VP, Energy, Environment and Resources

Global Public Affairs

Kevin Dawson

Kevin Dawson

VP, Strategic Integration

Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO)

Riley Georgsen

Riley Georgsen

Executive Director External Affairs and Communications

Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC)

Cayla Saby

Cayla Saby

VP, Government Relations & Commercial


Matthew Davis

Matthew Davis

Director, Regulatory

Capital Power

Rishikesh Kumar

Rishikesh Kumar

Director, Emerging Customer Solutions


Graham Halsall

Graham Halsall

Director of Sustainability & Risk Management

ONE Properties

Megan Gill

Megan Gill

Executive Director

Alberta Direct Connect Consumer Association

Steve Saddleback

Steve Saddleback


Opimoyaso Group

Jesse Row

Jesse Row

Executive Director

Alberta Energy Efficiency Alliance

Peter Casurella

Peter Casurella

Executive Director

SouthGrow Regional Initiative

Vicki Zinyk

Vicki Zinyk

Executive Director

Alberta Cooperative Energy

Interested in learning more or getting involved?


We are currently seeking funders for AEF Phase 3 and beyond. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of investing in our work, please reach out to a member of the Challenge Team:

Maureen Kolla
Lead, Alberta’s Electricity Future
[email protected]

Julie Bunker
Project Coordinator, Alberta’s Electricity Future
[email protected]