Vision and Mission

Convening Question

How can we leverage Canada’s assets and innovation capacity to accelerate an inclusive and equitable transition to a prosperous net-zero future?

Our Shared 2050 Vision

We anticipate that by 2050 the world has made major advances in transitioning to a sustainable, inclusive and prosperous global energy system, where production and consumption aligns with the scientific principles of sustainability.

In the energy system the future requires of us, we are thriving and committed to nurturing a sustainable, inclusive and prosperous energy system.

The Energy Futures Lab defines the energy system the future requires of us as a system that simultaneously:

  • Is net zero for carbon emissions for the production and consumption of energy in Alberta and Canada.
  • Enables quality of life for all people by meeting energy needs reliably and affordably. 
  • Is a leader in energy-based partnership towards reconciliation with Indigenous peoples in Canada.
  • Is inclusive, accessible, and equitable to current and future generations.
  • Enhances the health of our natural environment and the health of all those living within it.
  • Is a continued source of economic prosperity for the province and the country.
  • Supports diversity, resiliency, and adaptability.

Our Mission

To realize our vision, our mission until 2024 will focus on how to:

Leverage Canada’s  assets and innovation capacity to accelerate an inclusive and equitable transition to a prosperous net-zero future.

We know we are making progress towards if we are:

  • Supporting people and communities as they lean into the energy transition to help ensure social and economic resiliency for generations to come.
  • Enabling the emergence of new growth industries that will position Canada’s economy to thrive in a net-zero future.
  • Unlocking novel and creative solutions for Canada’s hydrocarbon resources to contribute to a net-zero future.

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