Our Energy Futures Lab Fellows, Convenors, Steering Committee, Advisory Council, Sponsoring Partners and The Natural Step team have deep roots in Alberta.
So many of our family, friends, and colleagues are deeply impacted by the wildfires in Fort McMurray and surrounding regions. We are distressed by the number of displaced residents and damage that has been done to the area. And we are heartened by the news that there have not to date been reported injuries. As one Fellow expressed, “The absence of serious injury or fatalities is a true reflection of how safety conscious the city already is. The cooperation and responsiveness of others truly reflects the heart of all Albertans.”
Alberta’s character and resilience is evident everyday, but even more so at this moment. We’re inspired by the solidarity, as companies provide shelter and transportation and residents open their homes. The EFL community would like to express its heartfelt sympathies and support to the residents of Fort McMurray and to each other: to everyone whose families, friends and employees are affected and who have expressed their deep concern to us in the last few days.
Many of you know that the EFL team was to be hosted in Fort McMurray next week for our next Fellows workshop and learning journey. We had an exciting schedule that involved meeting many people in the community. We are very disappointed that this week’s tragic events mean this will not happen now. Our thoughts and hopes will be with residents in Northern Alberta as we gather in a different location next week.
Today, Prime Minister Trudeau announced that the Federal Government will be matching donations to Red Cross Canada for Fort McMurray. Please consider donating here.