Calling all Alberta energy entrepreneurs! We need you and your ideas!
In partnership with ATB Financial, we are launching an energy-themed Alberta BoostR campaign and seeking 15-20 projects to participate.
What is ATB BoostR?
Alberta BoostR is a rewards-based crowdfunding platform from ATB Financial designed for entrepreneurs and small businesses in Alberta. Through Alberta BoostR, businesses can raise money, test ideas, and gain exposure and market insights from the “crowd” in exchange for a reward – a product, service, or fun/unique experience.
Learn more here.
Why join the Energy Futures Lab BoostR Campaign?
- Fund raising: an average successful BoostR campaign usually raises between $10,000 to $20,000, and a few campaigns have hit $50,000.
- Exposure: the campaigns will be promoted through the online BoostR platform, newsletter, and social media community
- Corporate Engagement: BoostR will be a great opportunity for the corporate world to learn about your work.
- Access to a professional ATB advisor: get the help you need to prepare your campaign
Any entrepreneur can join BoostR on their own, but by taking part in the Energy Futures Lab’s larger campaign you’ll benefit from:
- added promotion of ATB and the Energy Futures Lab,
- creativity and networks of the full EFL Fellowship,
- access to codeveloped rewards for your project, and
- a chance to present your project or business at an Alberta BoostR stage event in front of an audience.
Is this a good fit for your project or initiative?
We are seeking:
- Projects that help drive Alberta to the energy system our future requires of us.
- Asks for funding that are directed not to a general cause but to a specific project, with a clear timeline, that benefits a community or the public.
- Individuals who are highly committed to their initiatives, with the determination to spend the time required to actively promote your campaign.

Tyler Seed is The Natural Step Canada’s Director of Marketing & Communications. He holds a Master’s degree in Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability from Blekinge Tekniska Högskola in Sweden.