Chad Park sits down with Imaginea Energy President and CEO (and EFL Advisory Council member) Suzanne West to discuss her vision for Alberta’s energy future (including her aspirations for hydrocarbons).
Chad Park sits down with Imaginea Energy President and CEO (and EFL Advisory Council member) Suzanne West to discuss her vision for Alberta’s energy future (including her aspirations for hydrocarbons).
We are all familiar with the idea of starting with the end in mind. This is the essence of “backcasting”, a methodology for planning in complexity. Sustainability expert, Pong Leung introduces the backcasting framework and its application to the sustainability challenge.
Energy Futures Lab Fellow, Aproov Sinha discusses opportunities for Alberta to pursue a modern, energy future. Aproov Sinha is the founder of Carbon Upcycling Technologies and the Research Manager at zEroCor Tubulars Inc.
The article “Innovation is key to new economy,” originally appeared in the Edmonton Journal on Tuesday January 26, 2016.
In our latest installment of Planting the Seed, Tyler Seed introduces prototyping, a method for social innovation and change labs to build and test models. Prototyping as a means of experimentation, is deeply embedded in the design and delivery of the Energy Futures Lab.
The Energy Futures Lab’s Energy System Database is now live! The Energy Futures Lab has pulled together different data sets, reports and interactive visualizations that let’s you explore the Alberta energy system in many ways. Steve Williams explains how the database works and why data analysis is key to understanding the energy system.
Energy Futures Lab Fellow, John Zhou discusses opportunities for Alberta to decarbonize its energy system to ensure its resiliency and sustainability into the future. John Zhou is the Chief Technical Officer and Executive Director of Water and Environmental Management at Alberta Innovates Energy and Environment Solutions (AI-EES) where he focuses on the energy-water nexus and GHG management.
Our resident data and systems expert, Steve Williams discusses how we can use data for decision making, how we can visualize and make sense of the data we have, and how we can develop new data and insights into Alberta’s energy system. Stay tuned for the launch of our Energy Visualization database in mid-January!
In our latest installment of Planting the Seed, Tyler Seed discuses how COP 21 marks a historical milestone in an evolving global consensus around the urgency, and inevitability, of transition to a clean energy future as well as a major shift in the way we understand and discuss climate change.
The desire to shape the future, not just cope with it or react to it, is deeply embedded in Alberta’s culture. Executive Director of the Natural Step, Chad Park, discusses the opportunities ahead for Alberta – and how the Energy Futures Lab is seizing the moment.